Green Energy
Attacking Iran, and Iran attacking us
Attacking Iran May Trigger Terrorism
At Infidel Blogger's Alliance today Pastorius has posted about this article in the Washington Post. To say it's a must read is an understatement. But that is true on two levels. The underlying message is that in having a lot to be afraid of we should think about not confronting Iran. In other words, we are admonished to take no risk. We thus fulfill Mr Abbasi's western 'risk averse man'.
In the last few days we have the Iranians totally reject the UN admonishing them to avoid continuing their gaseous UF6 enrichment (how threatening the UN is !!!), announce the testing of a radar avoiding ballistic missile with multiple warheads, and today announce the development of 'the fastest underwater missile in the world" (a weapon clearly aimed out our nuclear subs, and aricraft carriers). Greeting all these items is Mr. Priest's article.

What this is saying is that if we attack Iran's military sites, they are coming after our people. They will purposefully strategically and tactically target civilians.

What is the proper response to this?
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