Attn Messieurs Murtha and Kerry I have a message for you, please call the bell desk
Green Energy

Attn Messieurs Murtha and Kerry I have a message for you, please call the bell desk

Al Qaeda - The Enemy is Helpless, Defeated, and Begging to Pull Out of the Iraqi Quagmire

Thank you, you galactically stupid morons...just because you served doesn't mean you have a brain at this level


Al Qaeda:

We will apply to you the law laid down by Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq in his war against the apostates, and we will continue to do what our Sheikh, Abu Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi, may Allah have mercy on him, began to do to you, and we will fight you until the word of God's unity is supreme and the word of your tyrants is brought low."

Every day, for the last three years, [our enemies] have been claiming that the war is almost over, causing their people to hope that it is so, [but] then the blows come and the world witnesses the victorious raids of the jihad fighters, which show that the jihad fighters are advancing, one step every day, and that the camp of unbelief is in [a state of] constant retreat and ongoing collapse...

"My dear [Islamic] nation, you have seen how your Crusader enemy has begun to beg its allies not to retreat and leave it alone on the battlefield, and has begun to ask the European countries and the tyrants [i.e. rulers] of the Arab states to help it and pull it out of what has come to be known as 'the Iraqi quagmire.'"

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