Green Energy
Australian Gaza War "Protest" Is Really All About Jew-Hatred
Just like all the "protests".
We really ought not ever refer to these occurrences as protests anymore, because the reality is they are just excuses for Jew-hatred and advocation of Jihad against the West.
From Vlad Tepes Blog:
Two comments about this march and similar ones across the western world.
1. While Israel and Jewish issues may have at one point be separate matters, they clearly no longer are and not because of Israel, but because those who hate Jews make it one and the same.
2. It would be a good idea to read this in the context of Ezra Levant’s piece on the ‘new normal’ of antisemitism.
These groups which clearly feel this way about Jews believe that the war with Hamas has legitimized their antisemitism. Now that they know they can do this with total impunity you can bet it won’t go away just because there is a cease fire in the middle east between two nations none of these protesters could find on a map, nor do they know any of the salient details of the conflict as they would not in Darfur, MILF in The Philippines, Kashmir, or any of the other spots around the world where Muslims are attacking and slaughtering uninvolved civilians.
From Australia’s daily telegraph
A witness tells of events at last Sunday’s Nazi-enhanced Hamas rally in Melbourne:
The victory of Palestine/Islam (depending on who you were eavesdropping on) over the Jews (I didn’t hear anyone mention Israel) became the conversation topic that was floated about the most …
Which isn’t surprising, when you look at some of the protesters (photographed by Colonel Robert Neville):

Go read the rest at Vlad Tepes Blog.
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Green Energy