Green Energy
Ayman Taha: American Patriot and Devout Muslim

Ayman Taha, American Special Forces Soldier was killed, the other day, while serving his country in Iraq:
His father described him as a devout Muslim who believed that "the message of Islam is very simple . . . to believe in God and do good deeds."Ayman Taha, born in Sudan, was also a member of the US Army special forces who gave up a promising academic career three years ago to enlist. He was sent to Iraq a year ago and was killed last Friday while preparing a munitions cache for demolition.Again according to his father:"He strongly agreed that what they were doing is good and that they were helping people in the Middle East to get out of the . . . historic bottleneck" that had confined them.It occurred to me after reading this piece about him that someone like Ayman Taha must confuse an awful lot of people. Some (like the denizens of MPACuk) would consider him a stooge of the "infidels," who therefore could not have been a devout Muslim. Others (like some of our regular Harry's Place commenters) would argue that he did not understand the true insidious nature of Islam-- which commands believers to fight against, not for, the infidels-- and therefore could not have been a devout Muslim.Allow me to disagree. I'm willing to take Ayman Taha's father at his word: that his son was a proud US soldier, a believer in his mission in Iraq-- and a devout Muslim.I agree. I think Ayman sounds like a guy I'd be happy to have as a neighbor and friend.
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Green Energy