Green Energy
Barabara Boxer is an irresponsible ASS
Appearing on Ed Schultz's talk radio show
Thursday, Sen. Barbara Boxer said impeachment of the President "should be on the table." The senator from California also says the Bush administration is the "closest we have ever come to a dictatorship."
Doesn't she realize that the inevtiable response to this, is that democrats who believe as she does, and say what she says, and want what she wants can be construed as TRAITORS by people on the other side EQUALLY AS ASININE?
Then what? Cinna and Sulla? The Gracchi and Saturninus?
California You Need To Vote This Fucking Idiot Out
The Daily Caller: Senator Barbara Boxer: serving in the military is like being a member of Congress By Amanda Carey At a campaign event over the weekend in Inglewood, California, Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer seemingly equated being a politician to serving...
The Americans With No Abilities Act
President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert CamachoFrom Random Traverse. WASHINGTON, DC - Congress is considering sweeping legislation which will provide new benefits for many Americans. The Americans With No Abilities Act (AWNAA) is being hailed as...
Barbara Boxer Concerned About Cair
From Newsweek: Dec. 29, 2006 - In a highly unusual move, Sen. Barbara Boxer of California has rescinded an award to an Islamic activist in her home state because of the man’s connections to a major American Muslim organization that recently has been...
Barbara Boxer Gives Award To Cair Extremist
(Thanks to Steve Harkonen for making me aware of this): December 19, 2006 For Immediate ReleaseContact: Joe Kaufman (
John Conyers' Heavy Breathing On Impeachment Proceedings
From NewsMax, without further comment. What do you think? Care to make any predictions? -— Ed Koch Predicts Push to Impeach Bush Some congressional leaders will push for President Bush’s impeachment now that the Democrats have taken control of the...
Green Energy