Any guesses who would be first in line to get rid, and cast blame on CIA officers, FBI agents and military intelligence serving personnel who after withdrawal from Afghanistan missed signs of a new attack, maybe at South Station in a few years?Frank (D-Mass.), the House Financial Services Committee chairman, said that the federal government needs to spend its funds on domestic priorities rather than on foreign wars in light of the nation's record $1.4 trillion budget deficit. Frank said that domestic problems, such as crime and global warming, pose a greater "threat" to citizens in his district than al Qaeda does.
Rep. Barney Frank said he would oppose a troop increase in Afghanistan because people in his district face greater threats than al Qaeda.
"There are cops in my districts who have been laid off. And there are people in my district who need more protection from criminals than they need from al Qaeda," Frank said during an appearance at Cornell University on Sunday. "That's just a fact of life."
Frank continued that "they need protection [inaudible] from urban areas where there have been foreclosures on the fire department. And they need more protection from bridges falling down when they drive over them. And from pollution in the water, et cetera."
An Islamist terrorist recently threatened to conduct an attack on the United States with nuclear weapons, according to a monthly Jihadist publication.A new Jihadi magazine “The Voice of Afghan Jihad,” stated in its September 2009 edition that a nuclear attack on the United States was possible. Written by Naimul Haq, the article headlined "The Battle of 9/11” said without elaborating whether the Taliban possesses nuclear weapons or whether they will try to get control of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal to launch an attack on the United States, that “the noble events of 9/11 shook the world's only superpower to the core and made it realize their helplessness and the atrocities they were committing against Muslims all over the world, and made the Americans face a great material, economic, financial, military, and psychological defeat.”
“The reason behind the destruction in New York and Washington was not only a failure of military intelligence, but also a lack of wisdom and understanding and the undue pride of the Americans,” the report said. “That time, the mujahidin launched attacks with hijacked planes. The United States and its allies must understand what the situation will be like if the mujahidin attack the United States with nuclear weapons."