Green Energy
Behold the Peace of Islam

Zeeshan Shahid, a Pakistani, expresses his gratitude to the West for pointlessly taking in Muslim immigrants.
He was sentenced to life in prison along with two others for stabbing and burning an innocent 15-year-old Scottish boy to death.
Hat tip: TheReligionOfPeace.
Crossposted at Eye On The World.
Egyptian Judges Targeted By Isis
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We Need Prayers For Youcef -- An Iranian Convert From Islam To Christianity Under Sentence Of Death
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Shahid The Gay Jihadi
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Another "ultimate Insult To Any Muslim" : Beware The Ham
From : and a link over at : Muslim fury over prison food Mar 2 2006 By Adam Smith, Birmingham Mail DISGUSTED Muslim prisoners at a Midland jail are boycotting meals after a rogue kitchen worker...
Green Energy