Green Energy
Believe me, I checked.

Al-Reuters is claiming that Canada's Prime minister will lose votes, if not the coming general election, due to measured support of Israeli self-defence against Hizballah. The peace-keeper Death Hippies are suddenly upset now that Israel is kicking butt after the fascists in Iran, Syria, and their local proxies stirred up more trouble than they can deal with. Now it's time, cry the Death Hippies, for peace-keeping. As the sign says, you can't shoot them. I have to ask why not?
- Olmert Racing To Conclude Deal With Syria?
In Sunday's Times of London, Uzi Mahnaimi reports that eventually resigning Israeli Prime Minister Ehud K. Olmert is indeed racing to conclude a 'peace deal' with the Assad regime in Syria. Under the deal's terms, Israel would cede the...
- Peace Deal ? Israel And Syria ? Wait Till You See The Terms
Stratfor has received an unconfirmed report that the U.S. administration is currently reviewing a peace agreement drafted by Syria and Israel. Some of the terms of the alleged deal involve Syria regaining its military, political and economic...
- Ma'alot, Beslan, Your Town
Is America the world's greatest terrorist? Do we kill more children every day than all the murders of history combined? The Death Hippies would have us think so. So, what do we do? What voice do we hear, and who calls? Last day a Muslim shot to death...
- Israel Planning For War Against Iran And Syria
From the London Times: THREATENED by a potentially nuclear-armed Tehran, Israel is preparing for a possible war with both Iran and Syria, according to Israeli political and military sources. The conflict with Hezbollah has led to a strategic rethink...
- They Were Not Just Talking
It should be obvious by now that regardless of whether or not it is justified by objective reality, they are not full of bluster. Iran, Syria and Hizballah BELIEVE they have the upper hand. Iran, Syria and Hizballah BELIEVE they have history (and allah)...
Green Energy