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Barack Obama is CORRECT to use drones liberally inside Pakistan
Barack Obama using (and continuing) the use of american forces inside Waziristan is CORRECT
Barack Obama's belief that Afghanistan is the central front in the war on terror is a huge strategic error.
Barack Obama's inner compulsion that KSM, et al, and AND ALL FUTURE COMERS retain the rights of American citizens and constitutional persons is not justified historically, and IMHO, represents an attitude dangerous to the safety of the people and the survival of the republic.
Barack Obama's feeling that Gitmo is a recruiting tool for Al Qaeda and all the other Islamic inspired war fighters and killers of soft targets is correct. Unfortunately it is a minor one, and the US Constitution and way of life represents the CENTRAL RECRUITING TOOL for these people. Compared to our CIVILIZED, and civilization's need to get information from these mass murderers (as Eric Holder told us in 2002) their 'rights' are not even those of WW2 POW's.
Biden has today criticized an outspoken Dick Cheney saying:
In an interview taped Saturday night for "Meet the Press," Biden unloaded on his predecessor, saying Cheney is "wrong," is "trying to rewrite history," and "either is misinformed or he is misinforming."
"I'm not gonna guess about his motive," Biden told "Meet the Press" moderator David Gregory. "Dick Cheney's a fine fellow. He's entitled to his own opinion. He's not entitled to rewrite history. He's not entitled to his own facts. ... What is he talking about? ... I'm not being facetious: Maybe he's not fully informed of what's going on ... I don't know where he has been. Where was he the last four years of the last administration?"
Continue reading Biden-Cheney .. assessing the reality in counter claims.