Green Energy
Bill Handel Has Great Big Golden Balls

KFI-Los Angeles radio-host Bill Handel is under fire for a joke he made about Muslims "stampeding" each other to death during the Hajj pilgrimage. They do stampede each other to death. It's a semi-annual death ritual. But, CAIR not only can't take a joke, they can't take the truth, and are now pressuring Handel to apologize.
A couple days ago, Infidel Bloggers Alliance, awarded Bill Handel our Golden Balls Award for the courageous stand he has taken against CAIR. He has refused to apologize:
On his program yesterday, Handel said he would apologize, but only if CAIR agreed to denounce "all bombing or attacks where intended victims are innocent citizens," to acknowledge Israeli sovereignty and to verify that the group has never had connections with any terrorist group or sponsor.
If those conditions are met, "I'll be more than happy to apologize for offending people, I'll apologize all day long," Handel said in a live 12-minute response to CAIR's complaint.
Now, here in an interview with the blog, The Radio Equalizer, our man Handel cranks it up a notch:
Radio Equalizer: so far, the station is standing behind you, as KFI says they don't censor their hosts. Do you see any circumstances where this could change?Bill Handel: No, I see no circumstance that would change this unless I had sex on the air. But then again, that would upset everyone, not just my bosses.RE: Are you confident they'll remain firm on this?Handel: Yes, but my boss did come to work today with a prayer rug, so I'm hoping she's still standing by me.RE: What do you see as the difference between your situation and previous CAIR protests, where hosts such as Michael Graham at WMAL have been fired?Handel: This company has balls to stand behind its hosts. Disney, parent company of Graham's station, has NO business being in talk radio because they don't like controversy at all. Talk radio is all about controversy.RE: Do you think CAIR has actually undermined itself by giving you so much free publicity?Handel: I think this has given us an opportunity to really look at CAIR and see what they really stand for. And I also think this has given us an opportunity to look at ourselves and see what we really stand for.The First Amendment is extremely important, and that's what we stand for. One other thing: try going to Google, type in "CAIR terror" and see what pops up!Bill Handel is the man.
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Green Energy