Green Energy
Black Gold
In Dymphna’s recent post about Saudi Arabia, commenter westbankmama took exception to some of the questions that were being asked and posed her own:
| …some more pertinent questions would be: |
| What do you drive? |
| Is there a commuter rail system where you live — and if not, why not? |
| How do you heat your house — and how much larger is it per person than the house you grew up in? |
Putting aside the somewhat self-righteous tone of the questions, westbankmama has a point: the demand for oil — particularly by the United States — allows the despotic Saudi regime to accumulate the wealth that it uses to oppress its own populace and fund terrorist activities and propaganda worldwide.
So put on an extra sweater! Bike to work! Forego your vacation! Every penny kept out of King Abdullah’s hands is a penny earned.
And somehow we will have to persuade India and China to halt their economic development, since it is the recent and enormous increase in their demand which is largely responsible for the steep rise in oil prices over the last several years. Tell the farmers in Gujarat that they’ll have to do without electricity, in order to stop the Great Islamic Jihad in its tracks!
There’s something not quite right with this argument…

Just for fun, imagine that tomorrow a huge new gold field is discovered by Pakistani geologists under the mountains of northern Waziristan. Thousands of tons of gold are suddenly added to Pakistan’s treasury, giving it the kind of international leverage that is normally reserved for the members of OPEC...
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Read the rest at Gates of Vienna.
We Are All Danes Now!
“Hold your ground, hold your ground. Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers. I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship,...
Palestinian Jokes
So this Palestinian walks into a bar and sits down. The bartender says, “What’ll it be, pal?” The Palestinian goes, “BOOM!” * * * * * * * * * * *...
Spare Change?
It’s no surprise that Hamas considers the cutoff of foreign money to be “blackmail.” After all, that’s what a teenager always considers the threatened withholding of his allowance to be. “Dad! You can’t do that; it’s not fair!”...
Blogging The Jihad In Trinidad And Tobago
Longtime Gates of Vienna commenter Uncle Pavian has started his own blog, Eleven North, and will be covering events in Trinidad and Tobago. His most recent post concerns sheikh Yasin Abu Bakr: Islamist leader Yasin Abu Bakr spent the night behind...
Dhimmied Down Again
Dhimmification continues. In a review from Newsweek you can find the latest on offer: a sitcom — actually, they term it a “drama” — on HBO about polygamy. Don’t ask why, maybe they just figured it might draw an audience. Essentially, the plot...
Green Energy