Green Energy
Blog Talk Radio Silences No Compromise When It Comes to Being Right

October 13, 2008Read
this and weep. Full information from Tracy of
No Compromise When It Comes to Being Right:
Dear Listeners,
I scheduled a show with Attorney Phil Berg who has filed a lawsuit against Barack Obama for not being a US Citizen therefore he is an illegal alien.
My show was terminated at the beginning of the show. Why? The BTR assistant Director of Customer Relations, Shannon Dingee-Kramer stated that my show was, "racially or ethnically offensive, defamatory, unreasonably violent, threatening, intimidating or harassing; 2. contains falsehoods or misrepresentations that could damage BlogTalkRadio or any other person;
In other words, those who claim to be for free speech are afraid of it when they see it. It might offend someone and that's far more important to protect than the American Principle of exercising the flow of speech in the arena of public ideas.
So I am officially off the air until further notice thanks to the Obamunists and Islamists who support him!
I want to thank all of you for your faithfulness to my growing show.
Kindest regards,
Additional information
2008: The Year of Silencing the Voices - as I've been squawking about since the first of the year.
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Green Energy