Blogger Admits Obama's Birth Certificate Was Faked?
Green Energy

Blogger Admits Obama's Birth Certificate Was Faked?

Isreal Insider reported:

JayMcKinnon, a self-described Department of Homeland Security-traineddocument specialist, has implicated himself in the production of fake Hawaii birth certificate images similar to the one endorsed as genuineby the Barack Obama campaign, and appearing on the same Daily Kos blogentry where the supposedly authentic document appears.

The evidence of forgery and manipulation of images of official documents, triggered by Israel Insider's revelation of the collection of Hawaii birth certificate images on the Photobucket site and the diligent detective work of independent investigative journalists (led by JimJ and Texas Darling) and imaging professionals such as Polarik in the three weeks since the publication of the images, implicate The Daily Kos, a 'progressive' blog site, and the Obama campaign's 'Fight the Smears' website, in misleading the public with official-looking but manipulated document images of doubtful provenance.

Moreover, the blog and the campaign have been negligent in allowing the promotion of obviously forged and fake official documents together with the purported image of Obama's birth certificate. So, what is the Obama Campaign hiding?

And, why are they promoting these forged documents?


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