Green Energy
Bobblehead Mo

I just had to post this photo of the Bobblehead Mohammed. Go read Jason Pappas' post here.
Maybe we should put this photo on our sidebar, huh?
Another Victory For Allah: Moderate Muslim Executes Two Boys (video)
Post by ابومؤملے المياحيے....
How Iba Gets Done What It Needs To Get Done
Here's an early photo of me working on IBA. Shortly after this photo was snapped, I left a post in my diapers. Midnight Rider adds: I'm just a wee bit older than Pastorius and did not have the technological advantages he did when I was young....
Infidel Bloggers Alliance Comment Of The Day
I love this comment from Jason Pappas (with regards to all the particular dislikes of Islamofascists): Imagine their response to a wild boar? And they hate dogs, too. Let's see: Jews, Bush, dogs, squirrels, pigs, Buddhist statues, Queen of England,...
"hizb'allah's New Body Armor"
Here's a great bit of photo madness courtesy of "The All-Seeing Eye" over at The Jawa Report. I love the humor of the post as well as the commenters who both "get it" and just plain don't. Oh, how I wish I could accomplish these feats of photo-manipulation,...
Great Satans Birthday
July 4th, the birth of the Great Satan, is traditionally celebrated with fire … works. The author of the Declaration of Independence, himself an anti-jihadist crusader, took the battle to the “shores of Tripoli” to fight the Barbary terrorists....
Green Energy