Green Energy
Body Language

During the media portion of Obama and Netanyahu's get together, I couldn't help but notice Obama's body language.
As PM Netanyahu spoke about Israel's right to protect itself, Obama's body language began to change.
As time when on, Obama became tenser and tenser. In this screen grab, he appears to be ready to bolt from the room. In his mind, the meeting was over.
But At Least He'll Meet With Netanyahu. Oh, Wait....
Yes, in yet another example of Obama's respect for the Jewish people, he refuses to visit Auschwitz on the 70th anniversary of its liberation.And he refuses to meet with Netanyahu when he visits Washington at the request of John Boehner.But I guess...
Obama Brings Mid-east Peace! Well...kinda.
Obama's hatred of Israel makes them turn to Arab allies. And even THEY don't trust him. From TPNN By Alan Caruba Let’s just say it upfront and avoid tip-toeing around with politically correct language. President Obama and his administration...
Actually It Was Because Your Foreskin Looked Like Al Quds
Haaretz:Obama: Israelis suspicious of me because my middle name is HusseinU.S. President Barack Obama told Channel 2 News on Wednesday that he believed Israel would not try to surprise the U.S. with a unilateral attack on Iran.In...
Obama To Netanyahu: I Know I Invited You To The White House, But Get Out
From Israel National News: In the hubbub surrounding the “battle of the flotilla,” Netanyahu’s quick reversal of his decision to remain in the United States has been largely ignored. It turns out that Obama told him to leave because he didn’t...
Obama Shows Netanyahu What He Thinks Of Him And Israel In General
Would an anti-Semitic Muslim have treated Netanyahu any differently? From Carolyn Glick: It isn't every day that you can see an American president leaving the prime minister of an allied government twisting in the wind for weeks before deciding to...
Green Energy