Green Energy
Both the funniest and most red flag story of the day
More than several times I have written that in international strategic alliances things need not always remain as they are.
We have the 1939 alliance between the USSR and Germany (which made secure the outbreak of WW2)
Iran in 1953 and 1979.
Egypt in 1973 and 2011-2012.
Tunisia, Libya and now Syria.
We should all remember also that in 1948 the USSR was one of the staunchest supporters for the partition of Palestine and the birth of Israel, an issue the US Sec State resigned from government over (George Marshall). And we should remember that until 1967 the USA enforced and arms embargo where Israel was concerned behind the flag of the entire middle east (the rest of which was being armed the USSR).
I have warned here than prior to very recent events Israel and China got along very, very well, and that Russia was very interested in acquiring not only Israeli avionics, but in Israeli reconnaissance and weapons carrying drones, AND in selling combat aircraft (many of which the Chinese have now cloned for their own manufacture).
That makes this event a very neat piece of ju jitsu.
China backing Israel’s strategic rail-port route as alternative to the Suez Canal, February 27, 2013
TEL AVIV — Israel is drafting a project meant to challenge Egypt’s Suez Canal which would be financed in part by China.
Industry sources said the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was supporting a plan to make Israel into a strategic passage from the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea.
The southern entrance of Egypt’s Suez Canal.The sources said the plan envisioned long-term instability in Egypt, which could threaten ships in the Suez Canal.
“Shipping companies are nervous because most of the violence now taking place in Egypt is near the canal,” a source said. “It would take one major attack to shatter confidence in Egypt’s ability to protect the canal.”
Under the plan, Israel would expand its port facilities along the Mediterranean and Red Sea coasts. The two seas would be linked by a modern railroad that could transport cargo within hours. The passage through the Suez Canal takes up to 15 hours.
The sources said China has been supporting the Israeli plan. They said Beijing planned to finance the construction of a second port near the Israeli city of Eilat as well as a railway to the Mediterranean port of Ashdod.
India was also said to have favored the plan, estimated to cost up to $5 billion. The sources said construction of the port and railroad could begin in 2013.
“For Egypt, the Suez Canal is an essential artery for economic survival,” Eran Feitelson, an Israeli analyst, said. “We are trying to create
This month Barack Obama will visit Israel.
Any questions?
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Green Energy