The first Durban Conference on Racism was an exercise in Jew-hatred conducted by some of the most horrendous Human Rights abusers in the world. It was held the week before Sept. 11th, and in many ways heralded the world of Islamic Jihad and Sharia-agitation which was to come.
At the Durban I Conference, a resolution was tabled for vote which would have ruled that Zionism is racism.
Now, let me break that down for you, in case you have never considered the word Zionism before. Zionism is simply the idea that the Jews ought to have a homeland. A Zionist is a person who believes that Israel has a right to exist.
The media and Jew-haters around the world have attempted to redefine Zionism, and thereby Israel itself, as a violent ideology. But, there is no support for this.
Imagine that all the mistakes America may have made during the course of its history were equated to its Declaration of Independence. That is the same thing as the idea of equating Zionism with Racism.
Here is the definition of Zionism:
American Heritage Dictionary Zi·on·ism n.
A Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.
Pretty racist, huh?
For Christ's sake.
Anyway, now the Jew-haters at the United Nations are planning a second Durban Conference. Canada and Australia have already announced that they are boycotting the proceedings.
The United States, strangely, will be attending. One has to wonder at our motives. Considering our continued prodding of Israel to give up yet more land, in the face of murderous terrorism, school shootings, and a hail of rockets, one has to wonder if the United States sees nothing wrong with Durban. Or, are we waiting to make a statement on the platform of the worldwide stage the Conference will provide?
Sorry to say it, but don't hold your breath.

No, I'm afraid we will be willingly involved in the proceedings of the Wannsee II.
Oops, I meant to say Durban II.
From Atlas:
Canada has declared a boycott. Israel has declared a boycott. But not the United States.
Watch the Iranian Foreign Minister, March 4, 2008, Geneva - on the UN Durban II "anti-racism" Conference here.
Preparatory meetings for the 2009 conference begin in April 2008. There is no doubt that Durban II will provide a global platform for anti-semitism and the demonization of the state of Israel.
For more information see Durban Watch
Shimon Samuels, Director for International Relations, Simon Wiesenthal Center, outlined the rampant antisemitism at Durban.
As the only Jew elected to the NGO Steering Committee of the UN World Conference Against Racism in 2001, I there witnessed the birth of the new antisemitism.
In the years since that cataclysm in Durban, the blueprint turned the traditional charge of "all that is Jewish is evil" on its head to "all that is evil is Jewish", and a claim that the Holocaust had empowered the Jew in exonerating his multitude of crimes - the greatest being "the Naqba" of Palestinian misfortune.
Shimon Samuels: Hitler called the Jews unza "our misfortune". Then it was "Ungluck". Now it is "Naqba". The prelude to the Holocaust was sounded by the order "Kaufen nicht bei Juden" - "Buy Not from Jews". Today it is "BDS"... Protocols of Durban has replaced the protocols of Zion. Launch to campaign Durbin -it is a racism, limit its funding, take the intitiave of cacus of integrity. Operation pushback."
Take ActionAs a supporter of the true principles of human rights and equality, I urge the 27 member states of the European Union to vote No on the U.N.’s plan for a “Durban 3” gathering next year in New York.The draft resolution calls for...
From Vlad Tepes Blog: Jewish World Review April 23, 2009 / 29 Nissan 5769 The UN’s racist anti-racism conference “Durban II” rammed through a final declaration three days before its scheduled conclusion. On Monday Iranian President Ahamadinejad...
from JTA h/t Atlas U.S. pulling out of ‘Durban II’ conference By Ron Kampeas · February 27, 2009 WASHINGTON (JTA) -- The Obama administration has decided to boycott the so-called Durban II conference out of concerns for anti-Semitism. Multiple sources...
... because Durban I was such a success. From Little Green Footballs: The first United Nations conference on “racism” held in Durban, South Africa, turned into an incredibly vile display of antisemitic hatred, notorious as one of the worst travesties...
The Freedom-Phobia Conference in Byzantium has been concluded. The Organization of Islamic Conference has posted its opening statement from the Conference. In the name of "Reconciliation" they are demanding that the West engage in self-censorship and...