Green Energy
Breitbart Is Here
From Atlas:
Our man, Big Fur Hat, has this banging idea. He has created this brilliant graphic and worked with a printer who will make copies for us to post all over the world. Teach your kids. Tell 'em who Breitbart was and what he stood for. Bigger than life.
UPDATE: Okay, we are flying by the seat of our pants here. We’re going to do this frenetically and impulsively, just like my idol Andrew Breitbart, I’ve negotiated a deal with Anthem Studios to have these opened up for ordering. I will have the link asap.
Just to be clear, this is going to be done at cost, which includes labor, shipping and materials. More details to follow.
The owner of Anthem Studios was a friend of Andrew Breitbart and he just showed me the most beautiful picture of his wife and himself with Mr. Breitbart. This project is in good and well-intentioned hands.
UPDATE 2: I smell a prairie fire. Some biggies have e-mailed and are of the opinion that Breitbart, in death, has more impact than most in life.
I will be working on the different files and formats necessary to get this rolling. I will update again later.

Wtf: Michelle Obama Led The Applause Against Romney
Why didn't we pick up on this before?
Gateway Pundit: Andrew Breitbart Comes Down With “Walker Pneumonia” at Madison Leftist Rally Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, February 20, 2011, 11:56 AM Unreal. The doctors handing out fraudulent doctor’s excuses to union protesters yesterday in...
It's About The Naacp, Stoopids
I am going to recant what I said here. Because I am now convinced, as I said in comments there, that he was out to punk Obama and the administration, making them look like real idiots. Shot. . .SCORE!!! (of course I'm going to ignore that an awful...
Two Good Questions To Ask
UPDATE AT BOTTOM OF POST (from Pastorius) The next time somebody tries to smear conservatism by citing James Von Brunn's attack on the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, below is a strategy to use in the discussion: (from this essay by Andrew Breitbart):...
Andrew Breitbart Challenges Gays To Protest A Mosque
Gays in California have been rioting the past few weeks, and hurling incendiary invective at Christians of various stripes. Very brave of them. We Christians, followers of the Religion of "Hate" that we are, are to be feared. While, of course, Muslims,...
Green Energy