Green Energy
British Muslim Leader Calls For Muslims To Kill Brits

Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammed says the Muslims of the UK no longer have a "covenant of security" with the British. So, it's time for them to take up arms. Hat tip to Strange Girl In A Strange Land:
London, England, Jan. 10 (UPI) -- Muslims living in Britain are facing two choices; either to migrate or to join the jihad, a key Islamic figure has said.Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammed, leader of the now officially disbanded Islamic militant group Al Muhajiroun told United Press International Saturday that as the covenant of security under which Muslims previously lived in Britain has been broken, Muslims must now consider themselves at war."And I declare we should ourselves join the global Islamic camp against the global crusade camp," he said. He called on Muslims to form a new coalition united behind al-Qaida with Osama Bin Laden as their leader.Read the rest.
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Green Energy