Green Energy
Brittany Has A Mommy A Daddy and Another Mommy ...
Leftist Judge Is Incredibly Proud of His Bowel Movements Too
Conservatives have been saying for years now that if the way is opened for Homosexual marriage the Liberal Movement will next move onto further degenerating the institution of marriage, opening it to other sorts of couples and group marriages.
Of course, the Leftist State-Imposed Media (CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, ETC.) laughed at Conservatives who would assert such a thing.
But, it's turning out to be absolutely true, isn't it? Wherever you stand on Gay Marriage (and I am decidedly squishy on it, to use the gayest word possible), this new development must give you pause:
MIAMI (Reuters) – A Florida judge has approved the adoption of a 22-month-old baby girl that will list three people as parents on her birth certificate — a married lesbian couple and a gay man.
The decision ends a two-year paternity fight between the couple and a friend of the women who donated his sperm to father the child but later sought a larger role in the girl’s life.
The ruling means the child’s birth certificate will include a biological father and both women as parents in an unusual arrangement approved recently by a Miami-Dade Circuit Court judge.
The women, Maria Italiano, 43, and Cher Filippazzo, 38, had made several unsuccessful attempts to become parents using fertility clinics.
They then turned to Italiano’s hair dresser, Massimiliano Gerina, and asked if he would provide his sperm for artificial insemination.
“When push came to shove, they figured he would understand the situation,” said Kenneth Kaplan, an attorney for the women.
University Buys Butt Plugs, Dildos, Other Sex Items For Student Event

That’s some education there.
MEANWHILE (another issue on which I tend to be decidedly squishy):
Martin Luther King’s Niece: President Obama Is Aiding And Abetting Abortion Genocide Of African-American Community
Alveda King, a pro-life advocate who is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s niece, says she found it ironic that President Barack Obama conducted his swearing in on her uncle’s Bible.
Given that she says he would oppose abortion and Obama has a lengthy pro-abortion record, King yesterday released a statement on the swearing-in:
“When President Barack Obama was inaugurated on January 21—Martin Luther King, Jr. Day—he placed his hand on Bibles once owned by my uncle, Reverend King, and by President Abraham Lincoln, the great emancipator.
The historic struggle for African Americans’ equality under the law was represented at this ceremony by the Holy Scriptures belonging to the man who freed the slaves and the man who led the civil rights movement. The fulfillment of this struggle would be represented by our nation’s first black president.
Unfortunately, the gesture was not symbolic. It was ironic.
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed God’s word. He took his Bible very seriously—so seriously that he repeatedly risked his life to proclaim its message of love for God and love for neighbor. Uncle M.L., like everyone, was far from perfect, but he loved the Lord. It was God’s word that he used to unite a movement and change a nation.
But Obama’s support of abortion, same-sex marriage, and free contraception under his unpopular Obamacare reform is difficult to reconcile with my uncle’s legacy as a man of God.
I had hoped and prayed that when the president handled the Bible, it would accidentally open to where it says “Choose life,” or “God hates the shedding of innocent blood.” I was hoping it would just shake him up a little bit. I don’t know if that happened, but I keep praying that my uncle’s belief in the sanctity of all human life will change our president’s heart. I hope everyone will join me in praying for a change of heart for the president.
Legal abortion has turned into genocide for the African American community. The man with his hand on my Uncle Martin’s Bible is aiding and abetting this terrible injustice.”
Mlk's Niece Alveeda King Pens Devastating Letter To Baltimore Mayor
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“we Are All Trayvon” Mural Unveiled In State Capitol In Florida
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The Apostleship Of Barack Obama?
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The Deepest Cut
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