Green Energy
Burka, Burka...!
The original, from South Park (when they still had the freedom to to touch the now untouchable), was, “Dirka dirka, Mohammad jihad!” In the interest of gender equality (a sacred value BUT you must respect other cultures and not impose your Western ideas on them, you imperialist oppressor!), I present the feminist version: “Burka, burka, Aisha hijab!”

Pretext and inspiration: Counter-jihad by ridicule. Allaugh Akbar!
An "islamic" Super Hero: The Burqa Avenger
Islamabad (AP) — Wonder Woman and Supergirl now have a Pakistani counterpart in the pantheon of female superheroes – one who shows a lot less skin. Meet Burka Avenger: a mild-mannered teacher with secret martial arts skills who uses...
Muslim Attacks Belgian Policeman as his Wife is Booked for Wearing Burka From Will at the Other News: On Tuesday afternoon, in the Saint-Josse district of Brussels - a heavily immigrant-colonised neighbourhood - a 37-year-old Muslim was walking down the...
British Muslims Protest Burka France!I think British Muslims are the most obnoxious, among those who have invaded the West. They are the ones most prone to angry picketing and provocative signs and language, the ones most deserving of a boot...
Israeli Rabbis Clamp Down On Burka
“They imitated the nations around them although the LORD had ordered them, ‘Do not do as they do’” II Kings 17:15 If some people in Israel, a nation that sees the reality of Islam on a daily basis, don’t understand the threat of Islam then I...
France has first 'burka rage' incident A 60-year-old lawyer ripped a Muslim woman's Islamic veil off in a row in a clothing shop in what police say is France's first case of "burka rage". France is set to ban the...
Green Energy