Sorry, but that's a dream, folks. That's okay if you are prepared for the reality."Iran, Cuba, Venezuela,"They don't pose a serious threat to us " May 18, 2008these countries are tiny compared to the Soviet Union," Obama said.
Sixty-three percent of Americans say that if diplomacy fails to solve the Iranian nuclear crisis, they would approve of an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear sites, a new poll has found.The poll, conducted by Public Opinion Strategies and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research and commissioned by The Israel Project, also finds that 87% of US voters feel that a nuclear-armed Iran would pose a threat to the US.
Meanwhile, 80% of Americans said it was likely Iran would use nuclear weapons if it acquired them.
The threat of Iran is apparently felt across the political spectrum, with 85% of Democrats and 97% of Republicans believing the Islamic Republic represents a serious threat to the US.
However, 62% of those polled also felt that it was still possible to find a diplomatic solution to the crisis.
Sigh....the american people are beleaguered and need leadership. Bush has FAILED as we can see from this number. 80% feel Iran would use nukes, but only slightly over half want to do something about that, the rest praying that Israel under Olmert/Livni would take action AND succeed. Puuuuuuulllleeeeeeeeeeeeeze !The approval rate for American military action against Iran was lower than that of an Israeli operation, with 55% supporting targeted strikes by the US and its allies.