CAIR Was Present At Rifqa's Hearing - She Was Denied the Presence of Her Own Attorneys And Guardian Ad Litem
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CAIR Was Present At Rifqa's Hearing - She Was Denied the Presence of Her Own Attorneys And Guardian Ad Litem

From Jihad Watch:

Hamas-linked CAIR supervised police interview of Rifqa Bary's parents on abuse allegations -- and voila, no abuse found!

Read the story below, but first, check this out:

I was talking to a personal friend about this case last week on the phone, and I referenced this scene from the Godfather:

Frank Pantangelli is in the witness-protection program. He is being forced to testify against Michael Corleone.

Note the guy he keeps looking back at. That man is his brother from Sicily. Note that he is wearing a tie that is essentially two red balls hanging around his neck.

That's a threat.

I suspected that something like this would happen with Rifqa.

CAIR was present at the time of her questioning. Her lawyers were not allowed to be present.

What do you think went on?

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case -- so named by the Justice Department. CAIR operatives have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR's cofounder and longtime Board chairman, as well as its chief spokesman, have made Islamic supremacist statements.

Florida law enforcement officials should have shunned this unsavory group. Instead, they let them supervise their investigation. Is it any surprise, then, that the FDLE found no evidence of abuse?

"Terror front CAIR supervised police interview of Rifqa Bary's parents on abuse allegations," from the Jawa Report, September 14:

A report by the Florida Dept of Law Enforcement (FDLE) that has been sealed by the court investigating the Rifqa Bary abuse and honor killing allegations is set to be released today. While the report is still sealed, we can report based on law enforcement sources who have read the report that the FDLEinterview of Rifqa's parents was supervised by Hamas front organization, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). According to my sources, this is what the report says:

"FDLE/DCF Investigators were accompanied to the Bary residence by Sgt. John Hurst of the Columbus P.D. Child Abuse Squad. The residence is located in an apartment complex. Mr. Babak Darvish, Executive Director of the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Columbus and Mr. Romin Iqbal, Staff Attorney for CAIR OHIO were present.Investigators interviewed Mr. Bary in a non-custodial setting."

What makes this decision by FDLE and the FL Dept of Children and Families to allow CAIR - who is not a party to the legal dispute and has not notified the court that they are representing the Barys in any legal capacity - is thatFDLE/DCF conducted a three and a half hour interrogation of Rifqa, the victim in this case, without her attorney and guardian ad litem being present. We reported on that revelation 10 days ago....

CAIR's bloody fingerprints have been all over this case while they have remained behind the scenes. As we noted on August 21st, a source who attended a CAIR strategy session on the Rifqa case had stated thatCAIR intended to push the story that Rifqa had been abducted and brainwashed by a Christian cult.

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist ought to be ashamed to allow his FDLE and DCFgoons behave in such an unprofessional and grossly political manner. Crist has clearly endorsed FDLE/DCF's conduct all in order to whitewash this investigation and send Rifqa back to her family and place her back in harm's way to placate the gods of political correctness and to avoid jeopardizing his US Senate race next year. Here's the contact information for Crist and DCF if you would like to tell them what you think about their handling of this case:

Governor Charlie Crist's office: Phone: (850) 488-4441, (850) 488-7146
Fax: (850) 487-0801

Florida Department of Children and Family:
George H. Sheldon, Secretary
1317 Winewood Blvd.
Building 1, Room 202
Tallahassee, Florida
Phone: (850) 487-1111
Fax: (850) 922-2993

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