Green Energy
CAIR Watch
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Recently, Joe Kaufman, an investigative journalist who sometimes publishes
articles at Front Page Magazine, has put out a call asking for volunteers to report stories about CAIR.
Cair's "summer Of Censorship"
(With a hat tip to Right Truth) From the CAIR Observatory:On June 25, 2010 the Center for Security Policy’s CAIR Observatory publicly released the results of an investigative report exposing CAIR’s orchestrated campaign to silence critics of Jihad,...
This Week On The Gathering Storm
Listen to The Gathering Storm Radio Show, which WC and I cohost. The show broadcasts live every Friday beginning at noon, Pacific Time. The call-in number is (646) 915-9870. Callers welcome! Our guest today at the bottom of the hour is Joe Kaufman,...
A Message To All Infidels From Sharia Finance Watch
CAIR is fucking with the free flow of information again. Allyson from Sharia Finance Watch dropped by here at IBA and left this message for us: I have been blogging about Shariah finance, and recently all our google alerts have disappeard. I just found...
Storm Track Infiltration: Top 15 Cair Lowlights
The Council of American Islamic Relations touted its Top 10 CAIR Highlights of 2006 this month. Here they are. 1. CAIR Helps Secure Release of American Journalist in Iraq 2. CAIR Influences Public Debate on Dubai Ports, Profiling 3. CAIR Educates about...
Cair Didn't Win This One
(All emphases by Always On Watch) Exciting news! CAIR's lawsuit against Anti-CAIR has been dismissed. The parties in CAIR's lawsuit have settled. And check this out: "The policies and procedures of Anti-CAIR (ACAIR) have not changed in any way...
Green Energy