Green Energy
Canada gets a threat, then cancels documentary on Iran

Sarah Boesveld, National Post · Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2011
After receiving threats and two suspicious letters Tuesday, the National Archives of Canada cancelled the screening of a controversial documentary that critiques Iran’s nuclear weapons program, a move that has organizers questioning the national library’s autonomy.
The Free Thinking Film Society’s showing of Iranium prompted so many complaints — some of them from the Iranian Embassy — that staff thought it necessary to close the entire building at 396 Wellington St. in Ottawa, just steps from the Supreme Court of Canada and Parliament Hill at 4:45 p.m., said archives spokeswoman Pauline Portelance.
“Once we started to receive threats from the public and threats of public protest, we deemed the risk associated with the event was a little too high,” she said.

Too high for what?
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Green Energy