Green Energy
Go now and Grade Obama.
His grades, thus far, are terrible, as they ought to be.
The One Where The Problem Of Election 2016 Intensifies
Trump: When will you learn to shut your goddamn mouth? You have identified the problems: CHECK You have at least SOME clue about solutions: CHECK You might be a charlatan: CHECK You herald extreme damage to the political class: CHECK High visibility supporters...
FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force investigating explosives found in Manhattan It looks to me like someone must have been walking, or running, down the street, carrying the C-4, and decided they had to throw them over the fence for some reason. Were they...
Obama's Good, Solid B+
From Ace: Obama offered himself the grade of a "good, solid B+" for his performance in office so far. Apparently where he went to school, grades aren't awarded to whether you succeed for fail, but according to whether you have "saved or created"...
Cnn Poll: 54% Disapprove Of Obama Economic Performance - 57% Disapproval On Healthcare
From Ed Morrissey at Hot Air: In an otherwise unremarkable poll of adults, as opposed to voters or likely voters, this result stands out, especially after the Obama administration’s attempts to both spin the numbers and blame George Bush for the economy....
Yeah, And Guess What That "f" Stands For, Fuckwad
Oops, I guess I kind of gave it away with the title. I really lack nuance, don't I? MSNBC poll of 1.8 million: Obama earns 'F' In less than three months in office, president gets failing grade Posted: April 07, 2009 9:37 pm Eastern By Chelsea...
Green Energy