Green Energy
Chi-Com Love Fest at Kansas State
According to this news report from the K-State Collegian, The Red Chinese ambassador to the United States, H.E. Zhou Wenzhong, addressed students and faculty last Monday. Wenzhong spoke of his nation's desire for peace during his talk:
"China does not seek hegemony ... nor does it challenge the territory, integrity or sovereignty of other countries," he said. "China is a responsiblecountry, and it is committed to upholding peace and stability in the world andits own region."
Of course, his meaning of "peace" was in its Communist form. Wenzhong stated his government's desire to subjugate and enslave the twenty-three million free Chinese of the Republic of China:
Zhou ended his speech by addressing what he said was one of the most pressing dangers to peace in China - Taiwan's interest in forming an independent country.
"We will never allow anyone to separate Taiwan from the motherland in any way or by any means," he said.
This is the type of "peace" Hitler offered Europe at Munich. There was no evidence provided in the article on whether the mouthpiece for Communist tyrants was asked a single critical question during the event. For example, is the Red Chinese occupation and ethnic cleansing of Tibet the same type of "peace" the people of Taiwan can expect? Until Red China stops its saber rattling at the Republic of China the Cold War will not be truely over.
Yesterday (Tuesday) the ambassador met with Chinese students who are attending K-State. As with the previous day's event, groveling before an ambassador of slavery and oppression was the order of the day. As K-State president Jon Wefeld stated:
"It was an important day yesterday when we had the ambassador from China to America here, just to help educate K-State students about China, its history, its culture and its powerful economy of 2008," Wefald said. "We have about 300 Chinese students here and I think for them to know that the very ambassador from the whole country of China is here, I think it gives them great enthusiasm for being here at K-State to know that we're not so far away."
I would think that Chinese students who wish to be openly critical of their government's policies would want to be as far away from the Laogai Labor Camps as possible. Chinese students attending K-State are also able to access the internet without Big Brother's censorship. There is no mention in either news story on whether Wenzhong was asked how these issues relate to his call for universal peace, love and understanding.
Apparently the K-State administration have forgotten Red China's policy towards students who don't toe the Party Line:

K-State: doing its best to forget the past and its relation to both present and future:

Crossposted at The Dougout
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