Green Energy
Coming to a White House near you

Well this is it folks. The big kahoona!. The Tea Party to beat all Tea Parties!
On 9/12/09 there WILL be a protest at the Capitol! And the good news for all of us working stiffs? It's on a Saturday!
Here is the tentative agenda of all of the planned events:
Thursday, 9-10:
Morning: Liberty Summit with select Congressmen and Senators
Afternoon: Grassroots visits with Representatives and Senators
Evening: Time to explore Washington
Friday, 9-11:
Morning: September 11th Never Forget memorial
Afternoon: Grassroots leadership training seminars
Evening: Special Dinner
Saturday, 9-12:
8:00am Set up for stages and volunteers
10:00am Events begin at U.S. Capitol, Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial
2:00pm March begins at Lincoln Memorial and ends at the U.S. Capitol Building
The website to find out more information and sign up is here.
I will definitely be there! Will you?
Let's show those lefties out there, including Obama, that we're serious!.
So, let's see some hands up. Hey! This is 9/12, people! For us 9/12 people!
Heck, they've even thrown in a 9/11 memorial to boot!
Let's rival those million man(woman, children, dogs) marchers! Besides, with a million people, the FBI would have a hell of a time, finding YOU.
Sponsored by FreedomWorks Foundation
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Green Energy