Green Energy
Comments of the Week

We seem to have acquired a brand new anonymous fan somewhere along the way.
Quite the thoughtful and garrulous person he/she/it has been leaving happy uplifting little comments all along the way. Dropping them like breadcrumbs so he/she/it can find his/her/its' way back to their dark dank damp festering oozing little pustule of a hole when finished.
Here's a few of his/her/its' most insightful moments the last few days. . .
"It is a free country. Give everybody a gun.why not. give the oppressed guns. give blacks guns.give the hispanics guns. welcome back wild wild west.. guns. give guns to everybody. yeah..yeah..make my day.""Evil doers and scum of the earth will love to see the fall of a truely democratic elected government like iran. well they think they are truly democratic government, who the hell are you scums of the earth to say that they are not.they have a right to govern their country as they see fit. A government by the people for the people, just like US and UK. to the mullah you are nothing but faeces as you love nothing more than to pit one nation against spread hatred among mankinds. in the mullah profiling system your behaviour fits nicely with rabid dogs. look into your hearts the filths come directly from the hearts. ""butt holes..really show your levels of educations. i bet all barely passed high schools and thanks to xerox. take everything literally and out of context, these are the kind distorted intepretations that daily we are getting, It shows why you are peddling hatred. what do you do with rabid dogs? you put them down, right. mentally sick people have behaviours need rectification, in the west they see psychological treatments. it is the behaviours not the people he wants to eliminate. like wise the quranic instructions were applicable to peace loving muslims when they were forced to defend their lives and communities under attacked by idols worshippers. everyone has a right to self preservation. butt holes.. ""You racist bigots. what is wrong with hispanics or blacks manning the machines? they are american like your ugly faces. profile my foot. when they are applied against your bloated bodies then you all cry like idiots. so it is okay to use scanner on other human beings but not on you or your mother or your girlfriends? It is okay to blo up iraqis or afghans and not okay for them to blo you up? uncultured wankers""
Now we see what these rabid, hatred peddlars are doing..used to be black against white, hispanics against black, then jews against moslems. then non gentile against jews. congratulations to all scums of the earth. you have confirmed your dwelling in hell..""Those people wearing yarmulke are arabs disguised as gentiles nad could be having too much mucous in their mouth and spitted towards a wall not towards nuns or priests. Yeah keep on spitting ..carry on spitting. how do you feel like this time round being on the receiving end?""it is a free country butt holes ..why do you need profiling? everyone is free to do what they wanna do. they can come and go as they please.""Hatred peddlars spare a thought to those who perished. Your rabid minds are indicative of your black holes. Japan is the only country to have suffered atomic bom attacks. About 140,000 people were killed in Hiroshima and 70,000 in Nagasaki. Guess which country is the only country that dropped the boms twice.""butt holes be just hate him because he is black...not because of his foreign policies..dont kid yourself, the policies have been there since god knows when and nobody gives a hoot about it dont try to twist the facts. nobody like to side with self proclaimed police of the world being tossed off by yeahmules fagots.""yeahmules jerk is a free country ..dont be hypocritical fagots. they are free to do whatever they like whenever they please.""Seriously scum, you need a brain scan. there is tumour in your head.your fuckin perversion and delirium is bordering are confused between pentecost and pentecostal. call a spade a spade..pedophiles should be sent to china upon conviction and lined up against the wall..dont you have a kid..have you seen a cockerel shaggin another must be your upbringing..""yahmules..just because he is black , a moslem and speaks his mind off then he is a jihadi..dont be a hypocrite..face it, you are peddling hatred among mankind.. well you get what you deserve. ha.ha..just hope that yahmules dont walk around in brixton during daytime.they hate you too. the feeling is mutual."Isn't he/she/it purulently delightful!?
Just a few suggestions for this wonderful little pus-sucker. . .
1)Lay off the crack.
2)Learn to construct a coherent sentence.
3)Get yourself a thesaurus and dictionary. Learn to use them.
4)Please be a little more creative in your cussing because really, dude, you're not shocking anyone here one bit. Pastorius and I run circles around you daily.
5) For fucksake please learn to type. If you can navigate a keyboard well enough to find us on the internet you can certainly learn proper spacing and some basic grammar. The occassional error or typo is one thing but my dog does better than you.
6)Find yourself a mate. Anyone know any lonely randy goats out there?
Yahmule. . .
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Green Energy