Green Energy
Compositor & Environmental Field Equipment
GEI LLC provides a wide range of equipment for environmental sampling for all kinds of sampling conditions.Whether it be water, air or soil sampling, GEI helps our clients with their environmental field sampling needs. 
Utilizing professional laboratories in West Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania, GEI Field Techs assure that the clients' required field samples are collected safely, correctly and delivered within the proper holding times.
Call us today for a complimentary audit of your site at 888.483.3312.Green Energy Initiatives . . .
"Keeps Clients Compliant"Now Serving OH, WV & PA
Sampling In The Winter
GEI techs work in all weather conditions. Our sampling equipment is ready for any environment.Call us today. We can help you with your environmental water sampling needs.888.483.3312 ...
Gei Sustainable Services
Sustainable Living Through GEI’s Environmental Services Green Energy Initiatives LLC has Environmental Field Technicians and Engineers that can collect Flowback Water for complete water analysis for DEP, DNR and EPA regulatory...
Gei's New Method For Tracking Field Data
GEI's GDS Service Equipment - 'field technicians choice' The computer techs at GEI are always 'up to something good!' Now with over 2 years of continuing operation and satisfactory results, GEI's 'Green Data System'...
Winter River Watch
The Winter season is upon us . . . & the GEI field techs are still completing NPDES & Stormwater sampling for our clients. Whether snow, ice, rain or shine - GEI Techs still are busy helping our clients with their NPDES water sampling...
Sustainable Living Through GEI’s Environmental Services GEI Environmental Engineers Can Assist Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Drillers: Green Energy Initiatives LLC has Environmental Field Technicians and Engineers that can collect Flowback Water for...
Green Energy