Green Energy
Converting Muslims Into Christians

I'm not a Christian, but I consider Christians to be the most powerful force in the counterjihad. Someone just sent me this link:
It's the web site and ministry of an ex-Muslim who is now a Christian pastor, and he is having some significant success converting Muslims into Christians.
I've often thought that the real long-term solution to the problem will have to be Muslims becoming apostates one way or another. If that means converting to Christianity, that's great. Anyway, I thought this site might be of interest, maybe even deep interest to the Christians among us.
Newsmax: 13 Killed, 110 Injured in Christian-Muslims Clashes in Cairo Tuesday, 08 Mar 2011 Thirteen people were killed in violence between Christians and Muslims in Cairo Tuesday night, the state news agency reported Wednesday. The agency quoted a senior...
Russia: Christian Pastor Executed for Converting “Too Many Muslims” in DagestanFrom Weasel Zippers: Pastor Artur Suleimanov, 49, was shot by unidentified gunmen recently while leaving Hosanna Christian Church in Dagestan on July 15. Suleimanov was...
Just In Case You Don't Know, In Iran You Can Be Executed For Becoming A Christian
From Gateway Pundit: 2 Iranian Women Arrested For Converting to Christianity-- Face Execution Marzieh Amirizadeh, 30, and Maryam Rustampoor, 27, have been held for over four months in Tehran's notorious Evin prison. (BosNewsLife) Two Iranian women...
Pax Islamia: Persecution News
Egypt: Thrown in jail for converting to Christianity. Nigeria: Teacher on trial after punishing Muslim student. Eritrea: Two Christians tortured to death. Arrested at worship service with 10 others; Christian singer sent back to prison. Afghanistan: The...
The Passion Of Franklin Graham And Pat Robertson
A Muslim on Christians. Read it here. I was raised among the best of Christians and among some not so great. But, I don’t think too much about those who — with their conduct — offended Christianity. I do, however, think fondly of those friends who...
Green Energy