Could White House Party Crashing Couple Have Been Ushered In By Fellow Muslims? Could This Have Been A Dry Run On A Future Attack?
Green Energy

Could White House Party Crashing Couple Have Been Ushered In By Fellow Muslims? Could This Have Been A Dry Run On A Future Attack?

The White House Party Crashing Couple Mr. and Mrs. Tareq Salahi have ties to a pro-Arafat Palestinian group named the American Task Force on Palestine.

Larwy, of Larwyn's Links, muses about how "diversity" training to a "diverse" Secret Service staff may have been the reason the Salahis were able to get in, even though they were not on the guest list:
Mr. & Mrs. Tareq Salahi successfully crashed the WH State Dinner. Anyone think that Mr. & Mrs. Robert James Smith would have succeeded?

Further, consider Obama's input into WH SECRET SERVICE STAFFING. It is not far fetched to assume that the SECRET SERVICE BOSSES would have bend over backwards to supply a "DIVERSE" S.S. staff for WH protection even if not explicitly demanded by the 'POST RACIAL" O! ADMIN.

Just knowing that DIVERSITY IN EVERYTHING is the goal at the WH, even an experienced Secret Service Agent manning or "womaning" that first line of defense at the entrance, would know that turning away a couple for cause named Sahali would have greater repercussions than turning away a couple named Smith.

I have to wonder about something even more sinister. Could this have been a dry run on a terrorist attack?

Could it be that the Salahis were allowed in by an Secret Service agent who just happened to be manning the door that even, and who just happened to be Muslim?


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