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Daily Mail removes reference to Muslim husband telling his wife to read the Qur'an as he strangled her
From Jihad Watch:
Over at Atlas Shrugs, Pamela has a story on yet another honor killing, this time in Britain. Pamela links to Tundra Tabloids and to an article in the Daily Mail entitled "Abused wife stabbed to death by husband she'd warned police would kill her." It's about how the honor killing victim, Sabina Akhtar, told police that her husband, Malik Mannan had beaten her repeatedly and warned that he would kill her, and they did nothing.
In the story from the Daily Mail is this:
"Using both hands to squeeze her windpipe he told her to read her Koran adding: 'Read whatever other stuff you need to read now. This is your final hour.' The arrival of his brother stopped the attack but Mannan left shouting: 'I'm going to get a knife and when I return I'm going to slaughter you."
But now at the Daily Mail link, the story has been retitled as "Family's fury at legal blunders that left husband free to stab wife to death - despite her warnings he would kill her" and there is no reference to the Islamic holy book.The paragraph above has been revised to read this way:
In the early hours of the following morning he attacked her again, telling her 'This is your final hour', but left after she made a desperate call for help to his brother, threatening to return with a knife and 'slaughter' her.
Here is a Google search indicating that the original paragraph did indeed appear in the Daily Mail story before it was revised. And just in case that disappears, here is a screen capture:

Why would the Daily Mail remove its reference to Malik Mannan telling his wife to read the Qur'an as she strangled her? Because if it had left it in, Muslims would have been angered? Shouldn't they instead be angered, if what the mainstream media endlessly tells us about the Religion of Peace were true, at Malik Mannan and all the others who find justification for horrific acts of violence in the Qur'an? Shouldn't non-Muslim authorities in the UK and elsewhere in the West take note of this use of the Qur'an by Muslims, and reevaluate their immigration policies and other policies accordingly? Shouldn't they be calling upon Muslims in the UK and elsewhere in the West to institute -- immediately -- honest, transparent, and inspectable programs that teach against the Islamic attitudes and beliefs that lead to honor killing? Shouldn't a well informed public call upon their elected officials to do all this? Is that what the Daily Mail is trying to prevent?
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