Green Energy
Dash-Cams: More of That Pesky Twenty-first Century Technology All the Muslim Kids are Ululating About
Advice: If you're going to lie, don't do it on video. Or even better yet, don't lie at all. You know, that whole Ten Commandments thing. (As an aside, maybe "Don't behead people" should have been number eleven. But I digress.)
From Right Wing News
Muslim Woman Tries to Use Shariah Law on a Cop and Gets an Epic Dose of Justice Instead [VIDEO]
by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
Someone might want to tell this idiot what the actual definition of ‘racism’ is – it has nothing to do with institutional religion or a political philosophy, you moron. And double dunce points for not realizing she was being video taped while lying. A deep, deep stupidity bonus for then doubling-down with the lies and filing a formal complaint, which got her in real trouble. She really tried to cost this policeman his job – her attorney is now claiming that it was not her under that bag. Fail. No wonder she claimed she couldn’t show her face because of her religion. Unfortunately for her and fortunately for everyone else. they don’t have Shariah Law in Australia. Malicious and ruthless describes her perfectly.
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Moloch: Muslims Perform Human Sacrifice, Murder Christians On The Altar Of Allah In Syrai
Shoebat Foundation:Those noble Syrian Muslim rebels jihadists, whom Obama last year had wanted us to go to war for and who are still being funded and trained by the CIA, have now “graduated” from cutting...
Bbc Show Named “free Speech” Limits Free Speech To Avoid Offending Muslims
Chicks with Dicks in Islam From Mediaite: A BBC show named Free Speech limited free speech just a tad at the behest of its host recently. The episode was being filmed at the Birmingham Central Mosque and they aired a question from a man who professed...
Political Correctness Is Dangerous And Evil, Its Also How The Left Attacks Demonizes And Scapegoats Its Political Enemies
compare and contrast, who is the enemy? aparently law abiding american citizens not radical muslims 02 May from sipsey street irregulars Well, of course it does.“DHS Training Video Uses Gun Owners, Not Radical Muslims, to Depict...
David Yerushalmi: The Legal Battle Against Shariah Today on Secure Freedom Radio, Frank Gaffney hosts Shariah Law expert David Yerushalmi to break down a new Pew research study that shows that the “vast majority of the Muslim world wants strict...
Cnn Lies Boldly On Culturist 9-11 Mosque Sentiment
CNN is such a shameless group of liars it is completely unbelievable! WOW !! Read the text in this screenshot. It says the supporters of the mosque numbered 250. The screenshot shows CNN video of the rally supporting the 9 - 11...
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