Dennis Prager And CAIR
Green Energy

Dennis Prager And CAIR

Because Dennis Prager wrote this about Keith Ellison's possibly taking the oath of office on the Koran, CAIR wants Mr. Prager removed from the council of the U.S. Holocaust Museum. Read more....

- Poll Shows Trump Supporters More Conservative Than Average Gop Voter
And yet, he also brings in the alienated "Democrats". This is because, as Dennis Prager has noted through the years, large numbers of Americans prove themselves to be Conservatives when they are asked a series of simple questions divorced from the spin...

- What Do You Think About?
I have a bad cold this evening, so while I was lying on my back staring at the ceiling I wondered what other people think about. I often think about Lazarus, but that's just me. Other people? That's a question for Google. Here's one post I...

- Keith Ellison's Victory Speech
At the end of Keith Ellison's "God-is-good-y'all" speech, listen for the cries of "Allahu Akbar!" But, of course, Mr. Ellison's campaign had nothing to do with religion, right? And he reprimanded those chanters, right? Note: Photo from CAIR's...

- No More Fatwa Fridays
From Gates of Vienna: Dennis Mitsubishi has caved to the mau-mauing of CAIR. There will be no jihad-mocking commercials on Columbus area radio stations. This is very depressing. Between the surrender of Dennis Mitsubishi, the groveling of the Pope,...

- Calling Dennis Prager
Dennis Prager is one of my favorite people. I have learned so much from him over the years. It is safe to say that without him I would not be blogging today. This week he has a very important column on why the American news media will not publish the...

Green Energy
