Pim rocks.....one of my favorite You tube filmmakers. Check out Pim's latest here.
The problem with YouTube is that it has become a source of anti-American, jihad loving video. There were hundreds (thousands?) of videos showing American soldiers getting hit (to cheers mind you) on YouTube. In the name of free speech? How very American but it seems they are banning the freedom fighters and lovers of truth, justice and the American way. One of the great fighters on the Jihad has been banned from YouTube.
YouTube is one major weapon in the propaganda arsenal of the Jihad.
Crusader18 User Account suspended by YouTube
That's right, don't bother clicking the links to videos by Crusader18 below, because they no longer work. YT users AbuMustafa and Jihad4u remain as do most of the YT jihadists. Most of those who oppose them have been suspended, and surely more will follow. That's That. Stand By, and as I find a new server, I will be re-uploading. Until then, please enjoy the letter of suspension, and the letter I sent in response, to YouTube
BTW, Crusader did great work. I can't believe they banned him. Here is his response to YouTube.
Read it all at Atlas ShrugsDear Sir/Madame,
I have been a YouTube member for 8 months I have over 130 videos, and nearly 3/4 of a million views on them. My Channel has over 17,200 views, which for a blogger, and someone who isn't a "YT Star" is pretty impressive. With as many views as I have had, and as many videos I have uploaded and shared, naturally I picked up my share of trolls
Several of my uploads that YT had rejected were Music Videos, which I sent you several correspondences about wondering what was wrong with the system, and why it had rejected them. I get Trolled and flagged by users who are jealous or just plain haters, so then is YT to become a Popularity contest? YouTube Users AbuMustafa, Jihad4u, and Several others, have Catalogues of videos showing the killing of US Soldiers and Marines, and terrorist propaganda videos, put out by al Qaeda Islamic Jihad, and the other terror organizations, to recruit young Muslims for use as suicide bombers.(AbuMustafa's profile icon, is in fact, a Suicide bomber, as show moments before he blew himself up Killing several soldier at a checkpoint. The Particular video, put out by al Qaeda to recruit More Suicide bombers, is considered by them, to be their Most Successful recruiting video, and in fact, the User describes it in those terms .And yet His profile remains. What is the difference? Except that I am American, and what I posted wasn't illegal in any way, while His videos in fact Are. YT users are forced to endured videos of American Soldiers being Blasted 100 feet in the air, while their bodies are torn apart, and then read comments from Ghouls who celebrate this, while I have for the very most part tried to express my opinions, and Blog the news in a much more moderate, and respectful fashion. View the "offending" video, for which I was suspended. There isn't a drop of blood, or a dead body in it. The video is primarily an interview with a young Marine Sgt. in Iraq. It received over 10,000 views, and 22 ratings.