Green Energy
DHS Now Surveilling Jihad Watch

From Robert Spencer in
this announcement. Excerpt:
Welcome, DHS agents!
I've just learned that the Department of Homeland Security has Jihad Watch under surveillance, along with a broad spectrum of sites all over the ideological and political map, including Live Leak, Vimeo, Youtube, Flickr, Counter-Terrorism Blog, Danger Room, Drudge Report, Foreign Policy, Global Security Newswire, Google Blog Search, Homeland Security Today, Huffington Post, LongWarJournal, MEMRI, Newsweek Blogs, NYTimes Lede Blog, Plowshares Fund, Popular Science Blogs, Science Daily, STRATFOR, Technorati, Terror Finance Blog, and many, many others.
Clearly there is no commonality here -- in other words, the DHS isn't just watching anti-jihad sites, or conservative sites. The explanation given is this: "This is a representative list of sites that the NOC [National Operations Center] will start to monitor in order to provide situational awareness and establish a common operating picture under this Initiative. Initial sites listed may link to other sites not listed. The NOC may also monitor those sites if they are within the scope of this Initiative."...
I suppose that any of us on
Jihad Watch's blogroll might also be under surveillance.
HERE is the pdf with the list.
Well, no ducking and running from me!
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Green Energy