Green Energy
Diamonds on the Inside

I know a woman like this. Without giving identity compromising details some of her decisions over the years have driven me absolutely crazy though they have ceased to surprise me. Still, she was once one of my best friends and I'm still there whenever she needs me. Just can't say "and vice-versa".
Ben Harper
Diamonds on the Inside
Ben Harper - Diamonds on the inside
Uploaded by jasmin25
Orange County Suite
Jim Morrison - Piano and Vocals Now her father has passed over And her sister is a star And her mother smokes diamonds And she sleeps out in the car Now we live down in the valley And we work out at the bar We climb up to the mountains And everything's...
Questions Romney Wishes He Had Been Asked
ESPN:Bryce Harper’s retort goes viralBryce Harper’s comebacks look ready for the big leagues, too.The 19-year-old Washington Nationals outfielder quipped,“That’s a clown question, bro,”to a Toronto TV reporter who asked if he...
Some People Just Have No Clue. Michelle Obama Is So Without One, I Wonder If It's Asperger's
WaPoMichelle Obama dazzles in New York, wearing diamond bangles by H-Town’s Katie DeckerThat was no ordinary bling on the wrist of First Lady Michelle Obama at the DNC fundraiser in New York Tuesday night. Those fancy diamond cuffs were the creation...
Rebuttal And Debunking Of The Scott Horton/harper's Claim Of Murder
Last week I posted Scott Horton's entire story about three suicides at Gitmo, which he claimed were actually murders. I prefaced this with the statement that Horton, being Andrei Sahkarov and Yelena Bonner's lawyer certainly absolves...
Two "college Students" Arrested Trespassing At Heinz Field
UPDATE: Ok so, I, Pastorius, am a big fat idiot. An Anonymous commenter points out that these are Hindu names. If I would have given this even a second's thought before posting it, I would have known that those names sounded more like Hindu names....
Green Energy