Green Energy
Did Someone Say, “Unholy Alliance”?
Looks like it’s reciprocated—at least for now, when the goal of toppling the evil empires still hasn’t been achieved. Chávez is a “true Arab leader”, and Ché…

(Source: LGF)
…takes his place of honor alongside the recently-decommissioned Saddam.
Viva La Khomeini Revolución. At least until he executed all the thousands of Tudeh (Iranian Communist Party) members in the course of the 1980's. An alliance both sad and damned.
A Leftard's Most Despicable Reaction To Romney's Defenses Of Israel
Mitt Romney recently spoke in defense of Israel and stressed the dangers a palestinian state will lead to. And look who said something very, VERY vulgar in response: none other than the awful Andy Khouri from leftist Comics Alliance on his Twitter page....
The Communist Party In Egypt
From a12iggymom, citing the Communist Party of Egypt web site (March 14, 2011):The Egyptian Communist Party held a comprehensive meeting that included all its different entities and subcategories. The meeting resulted in a unanimous decision to officially...
Not Only That, The President You See On Tv? His Real Name Is Sheldon Greenburg From Rockville Centre
It Wasn't Saddam But His Double Who Was ExecutedFrom the inimitable MEMRI A new conspiracy theory has gained currency in Egypt in recent weeks, according to which it was not Saddam Hussein, but rather his double who...
Women Between The Extremes
In this installment of my series exposing the Left–Islam unholy alliance, I move into even stranger, meaning more ironic, territory: the relationship between Radical Feminism and Islam. I timed this post with the parashah (weekly Torah portion) Vayeshev,...
Alliance Of The Pristinians
(Note: this post dates originally from August 24, but I was only just today invited to contribute to IBA. I decided to post it because it’s one of my most important and, I think, best done so far. —ZY) In this post I cover another important unholy...
Green Energy