Green Energy
Do The Muslims Love Their Children Too

With much love to that sage of humanity, Sting:
In Europe and America
There's a growing feeling of hysteria
Conditioned to respond to all the threats
In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets
Mister Bin Laden said, 'We will bury you'
I don't subscribe to this point of view
It'd be such an ignorant thing to do
If the Muslims love their children too
How can I save my little boy
From Ahmadinejad's deadly toy?
There is no monopoly on common sense
On either side of the political fence
We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Muslims love their children too
There is no historical precedent to put
Words in the mouth of the president
There's no such thing as a winnable war
It's a lie we don't believe anymore
Mister Bush says 'We will protect you'
I don't subscribe to this point of view
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Muslims love their children tooWhat a naiive mofo that Sting was.
Is he still alive?
UPDATE: D.C. writes in to say the following:
I can tell you yes, Muslims love their kids, YES! But not those in these images. They are fanatics who love their sick cause more than their kids and their own lives. The Palestinians society is a mentally sick one, but not all Muslims in the world embrace their ways or the jiahdis ways.
All the Muslims I know, would be outraged at these pictures. It's important that we make that message clear if we want to help fighting terror. It's important that we teach not encourage more hatred.
Bashing all Muslims is like calling all Germans Nazis. It create gaps rather than bridges.
Yes, I agree. I do not, at all, mean to say that all Muslims would raise their children to be suicicde bombers, or Jihadists. So, if that is the impression left by this post, or any other post I write, then I apologize, and I ask forgiveness.
The thing is, however, I do want to make it clear how incredibly disappointed I am in the Muslim community at large because of the fact that there are no major Muslim organizations that will condemn terrorism, Sharia, and Jihad.
When I write a post like the one above, the reason I come off as so hardcore is because, for all we know given the messages we receive from the Muslim community at large, we have no idea whether you stand for terror, or not.
Instead, I have to go by anecdotal evidence and personal experience. I have known Muslims who were very nice people, and who did not seem to believe in terrorism, etc.
Likewise, I have friends who have friends who are Muslim. They tell me they are nice people. Great. I am happy. I want to know nice Muslim people.
But, this kind of thing is not nearly as reassuring as if there were an organization of Muslims, a million or ten million strong, which condemned terrorism in clear terms. That would be more reassuring than knowing 10-20 nice people.
See what I mean?
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Green Energy