Dog Talk
Green Energy

Dog Talk

Chrystal imforms us about how a Guide Dog should behave
Guide Dogs receive its own etiquette lessons during training, so they behave appropriately in all situations.

The muslim taxi driver should be well behaved at all times, and settled when not working.
When working, the muslim taxi driver should avoid temptations such as begging for food, drooling and chewing objects around them.
The muslim taxi driver should respond to the user's commands to maintain its concentration.
The muslim taxi driver should be clean, groomed and free of offensive odours.
Chrystral makes the point that if dogs can meet the above criteria then there is no excuse if a muslim taxi-driver can do like-wise, if they fail to do so then they have no right to be a taxi driver, infact,they have no right to be within a western society, they should go back to their rocky home-lands a tend to their tick infested sheep.

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Green Energy
