Green Energy
Dude. . .
really? this is what America
has come to?

Dan Sandini at Daylight Disinfectant recently posted video from the “May Day” protests in Portland, Oregon, and one of them alarmingly shows a group of young individuals dancing around a golden calf.
Sandini’s description of the video reads:
Warning: Video can not be “unseen.” ”It is useless to resist it,” or so go the lyrics. On May 1 2013, Occupy Portland dragged an idol of a Golden Bull down to O’Bryant Square.
Dressed as Egyptian belly dancers they then proceeded to sing and dance about it. You just can’t make this stuff up folks. About three minutes 34 seconds of you life that you can’t get back.
Black Kid Torments His High School Teacher, Raises Desk Over Her Head In Threat To Bring It Down On Her Head
And all his fellow classmates do is laugh and join in on the torment. From Gateway Pundit: According to FOX2 News in St. Louis this video was actually shot in 2011 in the Chicago Vocational Career Academy. Several people have posted screen shots...
Bill Warner's Strategy For Neutralizing The Apologists For Islam
Bill Warner has a new video outlining a way for small groups of counterjihadists to neutralize the arguments of apologists and to stop the silence of the media about the disturbing nature of Sharia law. You can watch his video here: Voices for the...
Israeli Soldiers Go 'gangnam Style' With Palestinians; Incur Wrath
An image taken from an amateur video shows an Israeli soldier dancing atop a Palestinian man's shoulders to the song "Gangnam Style." The soldier and his colleagues have been suspended. A group of Israeli soldiers who diverted their patrol into...
Egyptian Cleric Threatens Egypt’s Christians With Genocide If They Oppose Morsi
From Gatestone: Islamic leaders continue to portray the popular protests against President Morsi and his recently passed Sharia-heavy constitution as products of Egypt’s Christians. Recently, Muslim Brotherhood leader Safwat Hegazy said in an open rally,...
The Free-est Economy In The Americas
OOPS! The Heritage Society is very upset, but I have news for them. NO ONE NOTICED OR CARES 2012 Index of Economic FreedomTop 10 Countries1 Hong Kong 89.9 2 Singapore ...
Green Energy