Green Energy
Dutch comedian seeks cover

According to newpaper Metro (paper version, Februari 5th, page 13) Comedian Ewout Jansen has left The Netherlands and handed over all press contacts to fellow comedian Theo Maassen. MORE..
This story is being played down at the moment and hardly reported anymore in the Dutch press. The Amsterdam Muslim politician Achmed Aboutaleb immediately tried to surpress this story when it appeared. Because it is potent. Apparently the press agreed and more or less decided to stop publishing on it after Februari 6.
Did You Hear The One About Funny Guy And The Dyke Of Earle
Vancouver, Canada is proudly hosting the 2010 Winter Olympics in days coming, and the world's attention is tightly focussed on all things Vancouver-- except for one thing that is far more important than games Olympic: After the Olympics, the British...
Muslim Youths Drag Gay Model From Catwalk- Break His Nose
Where are the American gay groups on this story? This is a clearcut case of homophobia. Much worse than getting called a "fag". From Gateway Pundit: 10 Muslim youths dragged Dutch gay model Mike Du Pree from a catwalk in the Netherlands during a show....
Silencing Opposition In The Netherlands
Yesterday during a debate initiated by Geert Wilder's Freedom Party (PVV) on loyalty of Dutch citizens a reference was made to the double loyalty of two soon to be Deputy Ministers. These Deputy-Ministers are: Achmed Aboutaleb and Nebahat Albayrak....
Taqiya - Moroccan Style
The spokesman of Amsterdam mosque As-Soenah, Mr. Kabli, went on the record to state that according to Islam those who insult the faith have to be hurt and killed, to student paper Folia. Achmed Aboutaleb, the Labour Alderman of Moroccan descent quickly...
Joke About Islam? You Must Be Beaten Or Killed
Meet Ewout Jansen, law student in Amsterdam. Ewout is a funny guy. In fact he's the Dutch version of a stand up comedian (known as a 'cabaretier'). Ewout is also a brave guy, fearless in his choice of targets for his jokes. In fact, he makes...
Green Energy