Green Energy
Ecumenicism or Dhimmified Analingus?

The Rev. Ann Holmes Redding attends the Sunday morning service at St. Clement's of Rome Episcopal Church in Seattle. Redding has been an Episcopal priest for 20 years and a Muslim for 15 months.
The Episcopal Church Wages Jihad against Eight Virginia ChurchesFrom PJM: Eight Virginia churches stand rather like Sir Thomas More once stood against an irrational and tyrannical edict from King Henry VIII. Henry demanded an oath that Englishmen accept...
Obama's Churgoing This Past Sunday Is Connected To Imam Rauf And Daisy Khan
BUMPED TO THE TOP FOR NOW - SCROLL DOWN FOR NEWER POSTS From Will at The Other News: Sunday, September 19th, 2010, the Obama family attended church for only the third time in a year. They went on foot to the St. John’s Episcopal Church situated across...
Congregation Sang "Alleluia" When Obama Entered Church for Easter ServiceI'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS POST FOR AWHILE NOW. IT SEEMS TO ME THIS EVENT IS, POSSIBLY, VERY REVEALING. I'm not at all surprised that people would worship Obama. I'm...
Let's See Them Try This In Cairo
Yesterday morning the oldest Mormon church in Massachusetts, located in Cambridge, burned to the ground during services. Firefighters were able to save many books and paintings. The congregation formed a relay line to relocate the items... ... to the...
The Seven Islamists Imprisoned At A Lama Prison Accused Of March 11th Bombings Ask For Help To The Prison Catholic Chaplain
The islamists who are imprisoned in the Galician prison of A Lama after being condemned because of the March 11th bombings, which killed 191 and hurt 1824 people, have asked the Catholic Church for help.The seven imprisoned -sentenced from 12 to 23 years...
Green Energy