Green Energy
EMP? We Don't Need No Stinkin' EMP

Just in case Obummah is short a few crisis options for his pre-election 2012 "October Surprise" -- jihad attacks, Iranian nukes, US/Mexico border classes, stock market crashes -- here's another one he can add to his wish list. Posted at RightPundits.
SOLAR STORMS IN 2012 -- EARTH'S KATRINA? By Andrew Zarowny
NASA scientists are warning about potential solar storms in 2012. Disaster expert Lawrence E. Joseph warns this could this be Earth’s Katrina. In 2006, our Sun reached it’s solar minimum, a point during the eleven-year cycle where there are few solar storms. Just weeks ago, a major solar storm, a solar tsunami, known as a coronal mass ejection, erupted from a sunspot. For several days, there were minor disruptions in communications. Yet, we are still over a year from the next solar maximum, where such storms will be more frequent.
By the summer of 2011, our Sun will be entering it’s next solar maximum, which will continue through much of 2012. The next solar minimum will not be until 2017. So the next several years we will be experiencing more solar tsunamis. Could solar storms in 2012 have any dramatic effects such as Hurricane Katrina?
On November 4th, 2003, a massive solar flare erupted. NASA satellite SOHO recorded the solar storm which was classified as an X-45 event, the largest observed solar tsunami ever witnessed. Had the coronal mass ejection happened three months later, Earth would have born a direct hit, causing serious damage to our communications and electrical power grid networks.
Such massive solar flares occur regularly, but until recently, their impact has been negligible. Had previous solar storms, like those recorded in 1859 and 1921 hit Earth today, devices such as high-voltage transformers, necessary for electrical power transmission, could be knocked out. Thousands of such units are highly vulnerable and require addition surge protection before 2012.
Disaster expert Lawrence E. Joseph is warning Congress to spend $250 Million dollars to upgrade our electrical grid before the next wave of solar storms in 2012. He says the impact could be the equivalent of a Hurricane Katrina, knocking large portions of America’s electrical grid offline for several months. Such would disrupt food and water supplies, law enforcement, and even national security. Solar storms were to blame for blackouts in Quebec in 1989, as well as in Sweden and South Africa in 2003.
Strange Doings On The Sun: Sunspots, Which Can Harm Electronics On Earth, Are Half The Number Expected
I'm sure they'll figure some way to blame this on Capitalism. From the Wall Street Journal: Something is up with the sun. Scientists say that solar activity is stranger than in a century or more, with the sun producing barely half the number...
New Solar Connections !!!
GEI LLC is working to network with the best quality Solar Streetlight manufacturer's to bring GEI's customers the best Solar Products. Please keep checking on the 'Green Energy Initiatives' website for Solar LED products that fits your...
Clean Energy Intel: Solar's Good News: Cut-backs
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Net Metering
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Why Is Solar Energy The Most Popular Source Of Energy?
The popularity of solar energy is at all-time high, not just in United States but the rest of the world too. Here are some of the most important reasons that explain this surge in solar energy popularity: Solar energy is the most abundant form of energy...
Green Energy