Green Energy


King Crimson

Knowledge is a deadly friend, when no one sets the rules
The fate of all mankind, I see, is in the hands of fools ...

- Matte Kudasai
King Crimson ...

- Indiscipline
King Crimson ...

King CrimsonIn the Court of the Crimson King ...

Reid Sets up Requirements Declaring a Super-Majority of Senators Will be Needed to Overrule any Regulation Imposed by Death Panels... From Weasel Zippers: Over 200 years of Senate rules out the window courtesy of Harry Reid....We Are No Longer...

- The Midget Prince And The Weapon Of Doom
Crossposted at The Blasphemous Book of Queen Kafirtiti 1. In the end days of man, before his foolishness caused the entire world to go mad, there were wise men. Men who could create powerful weapons out of the smallest grains of sand. For verily did not...

Green Energy
