Green Energy
Eurabia In A Nutshell

Notice the Star of David, the symbol of Judaism, is portrayed as the equivalent of Nazism.
Notice they're hanging Arab/Palestinian flags in front of a building which features the word "Liberte'."
Because they can, because they have "Liberte'" to do so.
Notice the martyr on a stretcher; a symbol of Jihad.
There you go, Jew-hatred, abuse of Liberte', and Jihad. Eurabia, in a nutshell.
"at The Current Rate Of Muslim Immigration Combined With Its High Birth Rates, France Will Be A Muslim Majority Country In 23 Years."
Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite The quote in the title is from this Front Page article. The article states there are 4.7 to 10 million Muslims. France has a population of approximately 50 million people, I believe. This means 10-20% of the population is...
Islam In A Nutshell Brochure
The Counter Jihad Coalition in California put together a brochure entitled "Islam in a Nutshell." Here's what the creators of the brochure said about it: What we have found is that many people still do not know Islam. And they do not want to take...
Germany: Muslim sprays tear gas into face of two women wearing the Star of David Islamic antisemitism on the rise in Eurabia: "Muslim attacks on women because of Star of David," translated from "Moslem greift Frauen wegen Davidstern an," fromPolitically...
Ground Zero Mosque Developers On Why Stars Of David Seem To Feature In Ground Zero Mosque Architecture: Hexagram Is Part Of Islamic Symbology
Who knew? I don't know about you, but I don't remember ever seeing the Hexagram used in Islamic symbology. From the Daily Mail: It's the building that has divided New York and forced a national debate on what it means to be American. Now...
Speaking Of Pigs...
As you enter the gate and walk on the flagstones leading to my front porch, you'll first notice a big planter. Every spring, I buy some annuals to fill the planter, which is at least years old and make of solid concrete. Talk about heavy! My aunt...
Green Energy