Euro Politician, Oskar Freysinger, Warns Against the Inevitable Islamic Demographic Takeover
Meet Oskar Freysinger, an MP with the Swiss People's Party. I do not know much about him, so any readers comments would be appreciated.
I do appreciate the sentiments he expresses here in this video, on his role of warning against the Islalmic threat. He says,
"That's the problem. However hard one warns, he is told, 'Oh no, that's not so serious. You are exaggerating.'" One does not like much to face such truth, because the unpleasant side effect of truth is that, once you know, then you have a moral duty upon what you know ... I must take action."
This video is just one of ten parts. If you'd like to watch more, go here.
The thing about reporting on European politicians is I don't understand their politics, their histories, their animosities, their lexicons, etc. So, I have no idea what to think of them.
I read on Wikipedia that Oskar Freysinger's "political creed" is:
Belonging to the UDC is seeking Truth. Belonging to the UDC is avoiding highways of easiness, revolt against the softened tar of dominant though (...) So that marxist chienlit has its political counterweight[
I have no idea whether Oskar Freysinger pronounced this to be his creed, whether it was just part of a much larger, more coherent, manifesto, whether he wrote it himself, or shared in the writing, nor whether the translation is accurate. But, if the translation is accurate, then that is some stilted fucking language, and the guy sounds a bit dubious to me. Additionally, any party which defines itself solely by what it stands for is problematic at best. Fascist at worst.
So, what do people know about Freysinger and the Swiss People's Party?
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