Green Energy
Every Picture Tells A Story
One of the reasons most commonly put forth for giving Jerusalem to the Palestinians as their capital is the supposed religious significance it has for Muslims as their third holiest city, with the Al-Aqsa Mosque as an important center for Muslim religious practice. Judging by the images that follow (taken in 1877), it doesn't seem that this was always the case:

As Smooth says:
How odd. Weeds do not go untrampled in a highly trafficked area, do they? Buildings in use do not go without repair, do they?
Based upon these pictures, the tale of the importance of al Aqsa in terms of importance and holiness should be re-written to represent the truth, not the fiction each of you have been spoonfed.
Yeah, especially when you compare them with pictures of a mosque that IS highly trafficked. Say, for example, the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca:

Nope, no weeds there! Looks just like it did when I took a tour of it five years ago during a port visit to Casablanca. Trust me, you coulda eaten off of the ground, and we still had to take our shoes off before going inside the mosque itself.
Intrigued? Then read the rest at Mystery Achievement. And make sure you also check out Smooth Stone, a most excellent blog, and without whose assistance this post would not have been possible.
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Green Energy