Every time I think I should try to get back in, they push me away
Green Energy

Every time I think I should try to get back in, they push me away

The only democrat I agree with on national security was thrown from his political home by Soros-Moveon and the craven cowards like Reid who can't wait to bend over for them..and now

Nothing could more clearly show the accepted, underlying, unquestioned theory which powers the domestic policymaking of the democratic party today than John Edwards' national health plan:

It requires that everybody get preventive care. If you are going to be in the system, you can’t choose not to go to the doctor for twenty years. You have to go in and be checked and make sure that you are OK.

Do we all understand what is assumed by this banal evil in order to do good?

And one day, all that is not compulsory will be illegal. After all, they know best.

I won't name the systems which espouse such ideals, it's too ironic even for me. It's too much of a hanging curve ball.

By the way can you imagine the new power morons counting Dr. visits to ensure you are going? What kind of people would be self guided to such positions? Can you imagine the penalties if you don't go? Who will establish the penalties for this federal spaghetti bowl of impossible routes to health? NOT CONGRESS...who?

Your attitude has been noticed ! No surgery for you !

What democrat can I possibly vote for? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?

The IRS Has Already Abused Its Powers under ObamaCare From Will at THE OTHER NEWS: The IRS Has Already Abused Its Powers under ObamaCare.HT: [email protected] Michael F. Cannon. Over at Bloomberg, National Review’s Ramesh Ponnuru writes about...

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- Federal Judge:obamacare Unconstitutional
A couple weeks ago and this would have been the BIG story of the day. . . Newsmax: Fla. Judge Strikes Down Health Overhaul Monday, 31 Jan 2011 PENSACOLA, Fla. – A federal judge ruled Monday that the Obama administration's health care overhaul is...

New Poll Finds Americans Really, Really Don’t Like Obamacare …Update: 46% of Doctors Consider Quitting From Gateway: It’s beyond sleazy. A new poll shows that Obamacare is very unpopular with the majority of Americans. Pajamas Media reported:...

- Fascism You Had Better Believe In
It is appropriate that the Democrats in the Senate would spring their nationalized medicine scheme on America just before the Fourth of July. This AP story provides this interesting twist on how they intend to deal with recalcitrant serfs: WASHINGTON...

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